- a complete solution for
Bloat, Constipation & Impaction

Brand Name : IMPACURE Powder

Composition :
Each 100 gm contains :
Aloe indica (Kalabol) 5 gm
Plantogo ovate (Ashwagol) 20 gm
Terminalia chebula (Haritki) 30 gm
Cassi agustifolia (Swarnapatri) 15 gm
Emblica officinalis (Amalki) 30 gm
Mode of Action

Impacure is a wonderful combination of time-tested classical Herbs such as Kalabol, Ashwagol, Haritki, Swarnapatri and Amalki. The combined effect all these provides liver stimulating effect and increasing digestive juices, offering high level of mucilage and increasing peristaltic movement with mild laxative and purgative action. Hence it serves as an effective therapy in the treatment of Bloat, Constipation and Impaction.

  • Softens the Digestive Tract.
  • Stimulates the Liver and Increases the Secretion of Bile and Digestive Juices
  • Increases the Peristaltic Movement of the Digestive Tract
  • Facilitates Easy Expulsion of Waste Material (Excreta)
  • Relieves Accumulated Gases
  • Helps in Maintaining Good Health

  • Bloat
  • Constipation
  • Impaction

Recommended Dosage
  • Small Animal: 50 – 100 gm twice a day
  • Large Animal: 25 – 50 gm twice a day

  • 100 gm


 - a complete solution for
Bloat, Constipation & Impaction